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Local Cultural Council Minutes 8/19/10
In attendance: Maureen, John, Roz, Wendy

1. John reviewed meeting with Lee CC members, Chris Collins and his girl friend, Sean.  They are fairly new members of the Lee Council and want to begin offering programs for Lee residents and visitors sponsored by their Council. As of now, they only do the Grant Cycle process for allocating funds to deserving applicants. John agreed to give Chris an outline of what we (and others) do to present interesting cultural events for residents of, and visitors to our town.

2. Mushrooms of the Northeast Program on Saturday, 8/21/10 was discussed and setup and cleanup will be done by council members who can help.

3. An herbal program, to be presented by Jane Kasten in the fall, is still on the board. Maureen will check with Laury  Epstein to follow up on this. Laury had volunteered to arrange this with Jane, although she(Laury) is no longer a council member. Maureen will advise when this is done, including date, subject matter etc.

4.  Maureen advised that we are due, based on CC rules, for a Public Input Meeting.  She will put info for the public in the next issue of the Monterey News.  It will advise all that they are cordially invited to appear at our 9/16/10 to make suggestions, call attention to problems or otherwise comment regarding Council activities both favorable or unfavorable.

5. Wendy has expressed interest in holding another Open Studio Program , probably in early December.
Last years program was reviewed and possible ideas for improvement, based on prior experience, were discussed. Wendy will contact prior participants for input and interest and will update her results for our next meeting.

Next meeting will be on 9/16/10.  4:00 PM, Town Hall . Hope we will all be back on regular schedules by then.

John Heffernan (for Lynne)